August 22, 2012

two months.

It's hard to limit these photos to just a few as Ezra has so many funny and adorable facial expressions.  It's hard to tell if it's his personality or just gas (or both).  It may not seem like he's changed since month one, but he is definitely growing into a little chunky buddha.  As of our last doctor's check-up, Ezra's a healthy 12.5 pounds.

Ezra has been responding quicker to people smiling at him and has such happy eyes when he smiles back at you (even though you wouldn't know from these photos).  He's really starting to "talk" up a storm, especially if he's in a good mood.  If you are able to catch his eye, he'll engage in a plethora of coos, gurgles, and other baby sounds which make up his version of a conversation with you.  He's such a curious little boy and loves looking around, so getting out out of the house is good for him as he seems to take so much in of the outside world.  He had his first bus ride and kept his composure very well.  I find that I get anxious with every new experience I have with the baby cause I'm not sure how Ezra would do, if he'll start freaking out cause he's hungry or uncomfortable, or that I would have to start breastfeeding which is still so awkward for me, especially without a pillow for support.  But most of the time, he's great and generally happy.  He even went to his first photography gallery show and first stand-up comedy show (both of which he slept through).

I got to experience one of the worst things as a new parent - immunizations.  So sad.  Unfortunately, Matt had a class so couldn't make the doctor's appointment.  I tried to prepare myself so I wouldn't start crying seeing my baby in pain.  But I still fought back some tears as I watched his face turn red and scrunch up in pain and heard him wail when the first needle was administered.  Poor thing didn't know what hit him and he cried the hardest I'd heard him cry.  Three shots.  But he didn't cry for long; I knew he could handle it.  He's a trooper.


  1. He is chunky! You're on your way to hefting around an Abby-sized baby. You'll be building up quite the pipes. :) I love the backdrop quilt, too. So pretty and funky.

  2. Keep up the blog posts!!! He's awesome Kristin!

  3. AHH i can't wait to meet him this week!! i've been bombarding my coworkers with emails of his pictures haha!

    -amy a
