August 17, 2010


Apparently Honduras is one of, if not, the cheapest place in the world to get scuba certified.  So we did it.  We are officially PADI Open Water Divers.

We have to leave the country every three months to renew our tourist visas.  So on our last "vacation" we headed to Belize with a little detour to Utila, one of the Bay Islands off the north coast of Honduras, where we spent three and a half days completing the entry-level beginners course.  Three and a half days seem short and somewhat sketch, but we had full confidence in our awesome instructor, Nadia, who had tons of experience.

On our honeymoon, we did a Discover Scuba Diving course through PADI, where an instructor taught us some basic theory and skills, and then took us on a 35 minute dive at around 40 feet deep.  We were hooked.  If you ever get the chance to do the Discover Dive, cause you want to give scuba a try or just for a one-time thrill, do it.  It's amazing.  Like swimming in a gigantic aquarium.  Breathing underwater...for a long time...without having to s.u.r.r.e.a.l.

Oceans and lakes of the we come!


  1. FINALLY some words! I keep waiting to hear updates! Hows life? What else is going on?

  2. Sounds like fun. I was just reading Andrew H's new blog about learning to dive:

    Hope you doing well -- Luke
